There’s a reason that people from all over the world come to Malta seeking dual citizenship. For one, it’s a beautiful island country with stunning views almost anywhere you step, but the benefits go far beyond that—encompassing every part of your life, from health and wellness to education to finances.

At MDC, we’ve worked with countless clients to receive the many benefits of Maltese citizenship. We draw on that experience to outline what we’ve found to be the top reasons to become a dual citizen of Malta. This list does feature the most common benefits our clients tend to focus on

What are the Benefits of Maltese Citizenship?

1. Freedom of Movement

Among the top Malta citizenship benefits is your ability to travel freely throughout the entire European Union.

Because Malta is a member of the EU, you can treat the entire continent of Europe as your backyard—with visa-free access to all 27 countries of the Schengen Zone.

The Schengen Zone includes Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. While not all are members of the European Union (e.g., Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland), they are part of the Schengen Agreement, allowing for passport-free travel across their borders.

With the benefits of a Maltese passport, you can travel worldwide. You get visa-free travel to 147 destinations and have visa-based access to 50 more countries. Learn more about Malta’s passport.

2. Economic Opportunities and Stability

If you are looking for great economic opportunities and an environment where you can safely make investments and pursue innovation, then Malta is a good option.

Classified as an advanced economy by the IMF, using the stable Euro as its currency. The extremely productive labor force and low corporate tax rate have led to a booming economy that takes full advantage of its placement in the Mediterranean, both for its great position as a port and as a tourist destination.

Employment benefits of having Maltese dual citizenship

3. Tax System

The tax system in Malta is one of its most attractive features, especially for people of means.

The residence-based tax system in Malta only taxes you based on your residence throughout the year. If you travel frequently and spend time abroad, you’ll enjoy much lower taxes.

Also, the corporate tax rate is relatively low (at least, it is once you apply relevant refunds). Though it stands at a nominal 35% flat rate, refunds bring that down to 5-10%.

There are also no annual taxes on property, no wealth tax, and no inheritance tax. As you might imagine, Malta is a great place to park your assets.

Maltese citizenship and residency requirements for passport

4. High Quality of Life

Living in Malta offers beauty and tranquility. Life is just more laid back here, without the culture of hurry, hustle, and grind that defines so much of the industrialized West. But don’t get us wrong, you’ll have all the creature comforts and modern conveniences you’ve come to expect from an innovation-based, high income country.

Along with the slowed-down vibe and sunny disposition, you also get a lower cost of living than in much of Europe and the US. While housing can be quite expensive, most people spend the equivalent of $1,500 a month—making this an affordable paradise.

The inviting outdoors also makes living a more active, healthier life easy. People find year-round swimming and walking a great way to spend the 300-plus sunny days each year.

The shift in perspective and the gorgeous surroundings are well worth the effort of becoming a citizen of Malta.


5. EU Healthcare

Malta offers great healthcare within its borders. Their universal healthcare mixes private and public insurance—with government services offering healthcare that is free at the point of delivery. This eliminates health issues as a cause of financial strain.

Thanks to its advanced facilities and robust public-private system of care, Malta ranks very high in the world for both access and quality.

If you come from a country like the US (which has the highest per-capita health spending in the developed world), the massive drop in healthcare costs can quickly pay for itself while extending the length and improving the quality of your life.

6. EU Education

Malta offers its citizens many opportunities to pursue education, from childhood to advanced degrees in the cutting-edge of science, technology, and the humanities.

Tuition to public universities is completely free for citizens. This means that you and your children can pursue higher education without accumulating debt.

Because Malta is a member of the EU, you’ll also have access to low and free tuition at universities all over Europe. That includes some of the very best institutions in any field you can imagine.

The educational benefits of Maltese citizenship open many doors for its citizens.

Education benefits of being a Malta dual citizenship

7. Culture

There’s a special energy that hums in the air of a culture with multiple languages and a long history.

Humans have been living on this breathtaking island for over 7,000 years. In that time, people have left behind incredible traces of civilization—which is now part of your heritage as a Maltese citizen.

However, Malta’s culture is not just ancient history. The country enjoys a thriving nightlife scene and vibrant arts sector. If you like things to do and cultural events to enjoy, then you’ll find many, many benefits to Maltese citizenship.

Cultural benefits in Malta

8. Safety and Security

With just about every measure we take, Malta is one of the safest and most secure countries in the world.

Malta’s crime rate is very low. Pickpocketing is not common, and crime statistics indicate that the police are effective at retrieving stolen property. This low crime rate is a particularly appealing part of Malta’s reputation, especially for high-net-worth individuals.

Similarly, many services and transportation in the country are both reliable and offer fair prices.

Safety and security in Malta

9. Retirement Haven

There might be no better place to spend your golden years than a Mediterranean paradise like Malta.

The archipelago gives you many picturesque settings, depending on your preference, but it’s particularly great for people who love to spend their time in coastal areas and charming villages. The year-round mild climate means you can take advantage of outdoor activities during almost any season. Eat outdoors, walk along historic avenues, and take a dip.

While you’ll be spending your days soaking in the sun and smelling the ocean breeze, you’ll also be enjoying the perks of a tax system that allows you to make the most of your retirement funds. A wide range of tax treaties prevent double taxation on your pensions, and a lack of inheritance and wealth taxes means you can effortlessly manage your estate to hand off to the next generation.

This combination is why many people, especially those of means, choose Malta as the place to retire.

10. Dual Citizenship

A large portion of our clients are seeking dual citizenship in Malta and the USA, UK, among other countries. Luckily, because of changes over the last 30 years to Maltese law, you can become a dual citizen with Malta.

That means you won’t have to revoke the citizenship status in your current home country (as long as your home country also allows dual citizenship). You’ll get to enjoy the advantages of Maltese citizenship and keep your current citizenship benefits, too.

Dual citizenship makes it that much sweeter for the millions of people who want to embrace Malta while maintaining their connection to the place of their birth.

You get to have the best of both worlds with Malta dual citizenship.

Dual citizenship with Malta from ancestors

Find Support Getting the Benefits of Maltese Citizenship

The benefits outlined above have a very positive impact on many peoples lives. If it is your dream to start experiencing all the many rewards of Maltese citizenship contact us to see if you qualify.

That means you’ll need to first identify the path for you to apply for Maltese citizenship. Our experts at MDC are here to help you along the way, wherever you are in the process. We provide the experience and expertise to make this transition as smooth and stress-free as possible.

To see if our services are right for you, schedule a free consultation call with one of our team members today. We’ll go through your situation and get you started on the right track.

This page was last updated by Marco Permunian

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Not sure if you qualify for Maltese citizenship? MDC will do the research necessary to confirm your eligibility to apply by descent or by investment free of charge.